Do most gambler makes up different update regarding it's affairs ,?


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I think is not uncommon for people with gambling problems to hide or cover up their activities and losses by giving false updates about their affairs. This is often due to their fear of judgment, shame or guilt associated with their addiction. However, it is important to note that not all gamblers have addiction issues and are honest about their updates. It's a case-by-case basis and can vary depending on the individual and their circumstances.
You bring up an important point about how individuals with gambling problems may resort to deception when updating others about their gambling activities. The fear of stigma, shame, and guilt can indeed drive them to hide or misrepresent their losses. This behavior may not only harm their relationships but also hinder their recovery process by preventing them from seeking help.

It is crucial to recognize that not all gamblers engage in dishonesty regarding their gambling affairs. Some individuals who gamble responsibly are transparent about their activities and losses. However, for those struggling with addiction, being truthful about their gambling behavior is an essential step toward acknowledging the issue and seeking support.

Promoting open communication and providing a non-judgmental environment can encourage individuals with gambling problems to be honest about their situation and get the assistance they need. Creating awareness about responsible gambling practices and destigmatizing addiction can also play a significant role in fostering a culture of openness and support for those affected by gambling-related issues.
People may be reluctant to disclose their gambling habits for a variety of reasons, including social stigma, financial hardship, and emotional upheaval. A propensity to embellish or make up stories about gambling experiences can also occasionally result from the excitement and possibility of winning large sums of money.
I Fe Others may understand the negative impact of their gambling but feel helpless or unable to stop. It is important to address these underlying issues in order to provide appropriate support and treatment for individuals struggling with gambling addiction.