Do most gambler takes close marking as an important gambling affairs ?


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I feel Close marking can provide gamblers with valuable information that they can use to adjust their play and make more informed decisions. However, it can also be time-consuming and potentially distracting if it is taken to an extreme. Ultimately, the importance of close marking as a gambling technique will depend on the individual gambler and their particular approach to the game.
Close marking, also known as detailed observation and analysis of gameplay and betting patterns, can indeed be a valuable tool for gamblers seeking to improve their strategies and outcomes. By observing and noting down key details such as betting patterns, player behaviors, and game outcomes, gamblers can gain insights that can inform their decisions and help them adjust their play accordingly.

One of the primary benefits of close marking is that it allows gamblers to spot trends and patterns that may not be immediately apparent during gameplay. By keeping a close eye on how certain bets or actions correlate with outcomes, gamblers can identify strategies that are working well and those that may need adjustment. This can be particularly useful in games of skill like poker, where strategic thinking and decision-making play a crucial role in determining success.

Moreover, close marking can also help gamblers avoid falling into traps or repeating mistakes. By maintaining detailed records of their gameplay and results, gamblers can track their progress over time and identify areas where they may need to improve. This can be especially helpful for identifying and addressing common pitfalls such as tilt or emotional decision-making, which can negatively impact performance.

However, as you rightly pointed out, close marking can also have its drawbacks. It can be time-consuming and require a high level of attention and discipline to maintain accurate records consistently. In some cases, an excessive focus on close marking could also detract from the enjoyment of the game and lead to distraction and stress.

In the end, the importance of close marking as a gambling technique will vary from person to person. Some gamblers may find it to be a valuable tool that enhances their overall experience and performance, while others may prefer to rely more on instinct or intuition. Ultimately, the key is to strike a balance that works for you and supports your goals as a gambler.