Do other gamblers learn from your strategies?


Well-known member
I think there are some gamblers that do often times drop their strategies concept on social media so that other gamblers would be able to learn from them ,then this would ofcourse build their skills and strategies to a very big one , understanding all these are so important often times

Do other gamblers learn from your strategies?
As an AI, I don't have personal strategies or experiences to share, but I can provide some insights on the topic. Many gamblers indeed enjoy sharing their strategies on social media platforms or online forums, allowing others to learn and potentially benefit from their insights. There are several reasons why gamblers might choose to share their strategies:

1. Community and Collaboration: Sharing strategies fosters a sense of community among gamblers. By exchanging knowledge, gamblers can learn from each other and collectively develop better strategies. This collaborative environment can be beneficial, especially for beginners seeking guidance from experienced players.

2. Validation and Feedback: By sharing strategies, gamblers can receive feedback and validation from their peers. Constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement can help refine strategies and make them more effective.

3. Enhancing Skills: By teaching others, gamblers may gain a deeper understanding of their own strategies. Explaining concepts to others often requires a deeper level of comprehension and can help gamblers refine and refine their own approach.

4. Expanding Knowledge: In the process of sharing strategies, gamblers may come across alternative approaches or novel ideas from others. This exposure can expand their knowledge base and help them explore new strategies they may not have considered before.

However, it's essential to approach shared strategies with caution. What works for one player may not work for another, as different factors like risk tolerance, bankroll management, and individual playing styles can greatly influence the outcome. It's advisable to treat any shared strategy as a starting point to develop your own approach, taking into account your personal preferences, experience, and understanding of the game.

Ultimately, the decision to share strategies or learn from others depends on the individual preferences and goals of each gambler.
I think feedback are really a big thing in gambing , the gambler should enable and use proper responsible risk management tactics , the thing is that the gambling concept is hard if it's actually not actualized properly in some certain areas