Do take timing and schedule when gambling ?


Well-known member
There are some people that actually take in timing and schedule when gambling , like they actually gamble at certain point in time and others , they are the kind of gamblers that don't just gamble at any time , they usually pick appropriate time to actually gamble , so they could earn money for themselves that way

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I used to take timing and schedule very serious before but i don't usually consider it again. I just gamble whenever it comes to my mind now because I've been losing a lot into betting
it's really good to take timing and scheduling so serious when gambling , as a gambler you must learn how to invest well , you should actually not be some kind of person that gambles without understanding of ways of gambling
Timing is quite an important trait to have as a gambler, because it enables you to be focused and efficient while in the casino. Drawing up a schedule can also help in this respect of timekeeping, to be quite honest.
Drawing up a schedule is good ,I think as a gambler you should be knowledgeable on how you gamble and always learn how to invest with caution , because that actually matters no matter the situation
Drawing up a schedule is good ,I think as a gambler you should be knowledgeable on how you gamble and always learn how to invest with caution , because that actually matters no matter the situation
This is a great assertion, I must say. A schedule or gambling timetable can help gamblers be more time conscious and be aware of how much stipulated time one has to gamble, to be quite honest.