Do you believe in fair taxing of lottery winnings?


Well-known member
News surfaced sometime you go of somebody who won about 100 million dollars from the lottery and he was going to pay about 40% of that as tax. Paying 40 million to the government even after paying taxes on deposit is something that I think is not normal and there should be a limit when it comes to how much you have actually made. What do you think about this?
On one hand, it's hard to argue that someone who wins the lottery should pay more taxes than someone who earns their money through hard work. On the other hand, the government needs money to function, and taxing lottery winnings is a way to get that money without imposing a greater burden on the majority of people.
yes fair amount of tax should be there but it should never be more than 30% actually because that will actually taske a large portion of money from the winner and his effort in winning a lottery will become null and not that much worthy so it should be avoided actually .