Do you delete the gambling app if you can not stop the addiction?


Well-known member
I think there are some people that actually deletes the gambling apps on their phone and even block the gambling sites they actually vists ,the major reason for them doing this is to actually Lower the addiction they have for gambling ,many of them do this a lot of time

Do you delete the gambling app if you can stop the addiction?
Do you think someone that is not addicted to gambling will be able to stop or delete the gambling app? Only those that are not addict will be able to just stop gambling or delete the app easily
Do you think someone that is not addicted to gambling will be able to stop or delete the gambling app? Only those that are not addict will be able to just stop gambling or delete the app easily
This is a strategy people sometimes deploy to curb in gambling addiction. Whether it is workable or not, is up for debate. I for one have not had an experience being addicted to gambling, to be fair.
Deleting gambling app is truly the first step to stop being addicted but the fact is that it is not really the best practice. We may truly delete the app but it will still be on our minds if we are not careful and determined to stop it.
Yes I think after deleting the app it's best to remove it from the mind , because obviously the person would still gamble If the gambling games is still in his mind , he might not be able to control his gambling feeling and others I think