Do you gamble more and more to have the same sense of excitement?



Do you gamble more and more to have the same sense of excitement?

Addicted gamblers frequently struggle with substance abuse, personality disorders, depression, and/or anxiety. Obsessive-compulsive disorder and bipolar disorder may both be linked to compulsive gambling.
Age. Younger and middle-aged persons are more likely to suffer from compulsive gambling. The likelihood of developing compulsive gambling increases if a youngster or teenager gambles. However, game addiction can also be an issue for older adults.
They is no human being that will gamble over and over all in the name of his having fun, it is only someone who is addicted to gambling or someone who is mentally disorder that can gamble to have same sense of excitement
a normal person can not do such a thing all in the of having fun
I wish i could have been gambling more and more because gambling really look exciting to me but i don't have that kind of money to be using to gamble more and more. It's good to know when to stop if you know that you're not that rich. It favors only people that are rich most times
Definitely, that's an addiction and not fun. When we have uncontrollable crave and desire for something that we don't really need at a particular time, it is nothing but an addiction. The person may need help before it becomes chronic.
I don't gamble on betting platform for excitement, i gamble because of money, i need money for many thing, i need money to survive, although many people gamble because of excitement buy I'm not one of them but when i make excess money i can start betting for fun
90% of the people who do gamble to cash fun . I will gamble to make money because the essence of gambling is to make money and there is nothing more that is exactly why people engage themselves in one sort of gambling to the other.
To be honest once the losses are too much ,I actually don't think there would be any excitement or whatsoever ,it's the profit that is been made that brings the excitement in the way you are gambling
To be honest once the losses are too much ,I actually don't think there would be any excitement or whatsoever ,it's the profit that is been made that brings the excitement in the way you are gambling
All the things that will discourage you from gambling is when you record too many losses . It is only important for you to stop gambling when you notice that the losses is on the high side.
I don't think that people gambled to gain excitement because the purpose of playing games is not really for entertainment but to make money because it requires some financial commitment and you are also expecting something in return.
No I don't gamble for excitement, I gamble for passion. As a result of this, there is moderation in my gambling. I don't gamble over and over in order to have sense of excitement.
I follow my laud down strategy in my gambling method and I have never derail from it.
I don't think it makes sense gambling and gambling again in the name of having fun, you would just be wasting is only someone who is addicted to gambling that can gamble to have same sense of excitement. it doesn't make financial sense
Gambling does release a hormone called dopamine which makes one feel hyper and extremely happy while engaging in this venture. In some cases, gamblers are tempted to experience this feeling again, to be quite honest.
Yeah very true , and most people even gamble to boost their ego or show that they are gambing and earning well ,I believe all of this are actually ego boosts and many more , they gamble everyday because of this
Yeah very true , and most people even gamble to boost their ego or show that they are gambing and earning well ,I believe all of this are actually ego boosts and many more , they gamble everyday because of this
I can agree with this point, especially when it comes to the people who are affluent. They love to display their wealth and prove to others that they can also flaunt their riches, to be quite honest with you.
I don't gamble for excitement, i gamble strictly to make money, although several gambler have different reasons why they gamble but for me i gamble to make money because making money is important.