Do you have a favorite blackjack strategy book or resource that you recommend?



I can certainly suggest some popular and highly regarded blackjack strategy books that are commonly recommended by players and experts. Here are a few notable ones:

"Beat the Dealer" by Edward O. Thorp: Considered a classic, this book by mathematician Edward O. Thorp introduced the concept of card counting to the world. It provides insights into basic strategy and card counting techniques, making it a foundational resource for blackjack players.

"Blackbelt in Blackjack" by Arnold Snyder: Arnold Snyder, a well-known blackjack player and author, shares his expertise in this book. It covers various aspects of the game, including strategy, bankroll management, card counting, and more. It is highly regarded for its practical advice and insights.

"Professional Blackjack" by Stanford Wong: Written by Stanford Wong (a pseudonym), this book is highly regarded as a comprehensive guide to professional blackjack play. It covers various aspects of the game, including basic strategy, advanced techniques, team play, and optimal betting strategies.
Thanks for this informative post...I'm new to this game so I don't have much contribution to make concerning this post. But I'm open to learning tho
How were you able to know that much about casino games?
In this book, renowned blackjack player and author Arnold Snyder imparts his knowledge. It covers a variety of game-related topics, such as strategy, money management, card counting, and more. It is respected for its insightful guidance and application.
I recommend the book "Beat the Dealer" by Edward O. Thorp. This book was the first to detail a card counting system that could be used to beat the game of blackjack. It is considered a classic text on the subject and is still relevant today.