Do you have a lucky charm or item that you bring with you while playing blackjack?



Many players believe in the power of lucky charms or items that they bring with them while playing blackjack. These items can vary from person to person and are often personal and sentimental. Some common examples of lucky charms or items that players might bring include:

Jewelry: Players may wear a specific piece of jewelry, such as a lucky ring, bracelet, or necklace, that holds personal significance or is believed to bring good fortune.

 Coins: Carrying a specific coin or set of coins is a popular practice among gamblers. Some players believe that certain coins, such as a coin from a specific year or a coin with a particular symbol, can bring luck.
Clothing: Some players might wear a specific article of clothing, such as a lucky hat or shirt, that they believe will bring them good luck during their blackjack games.

Playing cards: Some players might bring their own set of playing cards that they use specifically for blackjack and believe that they hold a lucky streak that will benefit them during the game.

Pictures: A player might carry a picture of someone or something that holds personal significance or reminds them of a good luck charm. This can be a family member, pet, or even a celebrity.

Symbols: Some players might use symbols to bring them good luck. This can be anything from a horseshoe to a four-leaf clover to a lucky number, depending on the individual's personal beliefs.

Overall, the use of lucky charms or items can help players feel more confident and positive when playing blackjack. While there is no guarantee that these items will actually bring luck, they can serve as a psychological boost and help players approach the game with a more optimistic mindset.
I had never bring any lucky charms or items with me while playing blackjack. Allowing superstition to hold in blackjack is not safe enough. I personally don't succumb to any superstitious practice. I believe in skills and strategies. That is the only way effective success could be effected.
It's all random chance as far as I'm concerned. I try to just clear my head and focus solely on making smart bets and game strategy each hand. That approach seems to work reasonably well whether I'm on a winning or losing streak on any given day. Superstition doesn't really factor into my game.
Back in my schooling back, i used to have lucky pair of boxers that i used to win 21. Some people do have lucky charms or items that they like to bring with them when they play blackjack.