Do you have a Talisman for your games?



I don't really have no special talisman or lucky charm for poker. All that mojo and hoodoo is pointless as far as I'm concerned. Poker's a game of skill, and while the cards may run hot or cold for a stretch, they'll balance out over the long run according to the abilities of the players at the table.

Some fellas like to claim a favorite deck, chip, or seat brings them good fortune, but if you can't think through a hand, read your opponents, and make the right plays, none of that talisman business will actually help your bottom line. The only real advantage any player's got is the one they bring between their ears. Their poker mindset and judgment. Replacing that with superstitions is foolish.

So you won't find me clutching at no rabbit's foot or four-leaf clover before I ante up or play a hand. I'll keep my luck out of it altogether, stick to the facts, think strategically, and make smart plays, win or lose. That's the philosophy of a professional poker player if there ever was one! No room for charms and potions in a serious game. Just poker skills and discipline.
In various cultures and belief systems, talismans are objects believed to possess magical or protective powers. While their effectiveness in influencing the outcome of games is subjective and based on personal beliefs, some people find comfort or inspiration in using talismans during their gameplay. Here are a few examples of talismans that some individuals use for their games:
Lucky Charms: Many people carry or wear small items they consider lucky, such as a rabbit's foot, a four-leaf clover, or a specific piece of jewelry. These items are believed to bring good fortune and positive energy.