Do you have frequent and difficult-to-control gambling thoughts?



Do you have frequent and difficult-to-control gambling thoughts?

Constant and difficult-to-control gambling ideas may indicate a gambling addiction or issue. It can be difficult to resist the impulse to gamble when these ideas start to invade and overpower you. Here are some techniques to help control recurring gambling thoughts:

Determine the circumstances, feelings, or external cues that cause a person to have gambling ideas. This could be specific locations, people, or feelings. You can effectively prevent or deal with these triggers by becoming aware of them.
Additionally, try to replace these thoughts with positive alternatives, such as engaging in a hobby or doing an activity you enjoy. This can help distract you from the urge to gamble.

Seeking support from family, friends, or a support group can also be helpful in managing gambling thoughts. It's important to remember that you don't have to go through this alone.

Professional help is also available for those struggling with a gambling addiction. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a common form of treatment that can help change negative thinking patterns and behaviors related to gambling.

Remember that recovery is possible and seeking help is a brave step towards a healthier and happier life.
While gambling online i learnt to control my urge for gambling and make sure i avoid betting with the amount i know I can't afford to loss, it's always good to practice responsible gambling at all time.
I normally have gambling taught which i believe should be a normal thing to every gambler but it's not frequent and hard to control. Gambling is never in control of me. I set limit for time to gamble