Do you increase your investment after making profit from gambling?


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There are actually some people that increase their investment when their gambling profit actually increases ,in the verge of making more money they actually do this , although some people actually make more loss after doing this ,but some still earn , have you tried this and what was the outcome of you actually giving such thing a trial
The first thing that come to my mind after making profit from gambling is to withdraw the capital i use to play the game and most times i don't usually withdraw the profits i gain from winning. I don't really care if i lose the profits, the capital is most important
I think the first thing you are going to do is to enjoy the money you win instead of thinking of how to increase the amount you stake. The reason is that you might lose everything why trying to play more games to win and you are going to blame yourself not doing the right thing
I will advice we remove the capital first and then we can mow decide to play with the profit. But if the profit is much, we may decide to save some and use the rest for betting. It is not really proper increasing investment capital in betting.
There are actually some people that increase their investment when their gambling profit actually increases ,in the verge of making more money they actually do this , although some people actually make more loss after doing this ,but some still earn , have you tried this and what was the outcome of you actually giving such thing a trial
I do not really subscribe to this practice, if I am being honest. I think it is best to stick with the staked amount which allowed you to earn the full payout in the first place.
There are times when I increase my investment and there are times that I always reduce my investment depends on how much I have at the moment.
Also, it depends on how many percent sure the game is.
This is a valid strategy. It is quite good that you do not use a rigid strategy, and this allows you to be flexible in terms of managing your bankroll. More gamblers should adopt this tactic, if I am being completely honest
It's a good thing to invest your money when wining from a gambling site, but for you to invest will depend on the amount of money that you won from the platform, the amount you won will determine the amount you will invest