Do you need a special knowledge to win the roulette?



I don't think that you need a special skill to pay the roulette at all. You just need to have to learn the basics of how to play the game and you will continue to develop yourself when you continue to play . This is exactly what you can do to gain sense of the roulette game but if you think that you would need some special skills somewhere that will make you a better player, I don't think it is true.
I still believe that there is need for a special skill if you really want to win the roulette because when you have a special skill then it is going to help you in a good way to make reasonable contribution at roulette table.
Yes of course, you will need the skill required before you can start to play the game, the reason is that when you don't have the required knowledge or experience you may end of losing your money badly so always learn the basics of any game