Do you play ABC / Textbook Poker or do you have your own style ?



This old dog didn't learn poker by reading books, I learned it on the streets through years of experience. I play by my own instincts, not some textbook strategy. The mathematicians and theorists can calculate their "optimal" plays till they're blue in the face, but at the tables, poker ain't about math. It's about reading your opponents, feeling the rhythm of the cards, and going all-in at the right moment.

My style is aggressive, but not reckless. I'll take big risks when the rewards are bigger. If the opportunity is there for a huge pot, I'm going for it lock, stock and barrel. But I also know when to fold 'em. There's no point battling a losing hand just for pride's sake. And I can switch gears quick as a rattler - loose and loose, tight and tight. Like a champion boxer, I can brawl or jab with either hand. No two hands are played the same in my book. That's why they never see my moves coming.

Textbook players want to predictability and logic. I rely on instinct, feel and a little bit of chaos. That's the only way to beat the books, in my opinion. But don't take my word for it - come sit at my table and watch the magic unfold!