Do you prefer to be taught how to gamble or you prefer to learn it yourself?



There are some skill based casino games that you will need to gain experience before you can play them. Some people prefer to receive coaching while some do not want to be coached by anyone, they prefer to learn while they are playing the game all along . This could be a dangerous because you cannot be risking your money because you want to learn. I would prefer to receive teachings from the more experienced gamblers who would put you through accordingly.
It depends on the form of gambling. Some types of gambling can actually be learn yourself within a few days while there some type of gambling that will give you serious problem if you're trying to learn it yourself without anybody's help. Like lottery for example, i have to look for someone to learn from
When it comes to gambling they are some games you can figure out on your own without anyone to change you this is because it requires zero experience for you to be able to play it perfectly online sports betting that requires someone who knows much about football.
It is better to be taught how to gamble by professionals because it will give you an upper hand and your chances of winning will be enhanced. This will make you boycot so many things because gambling will give you an opportunity to explore so many areas.
It is better to be taught how to gamble by professionals because it will give you an upper hand and your chances of winning will be enhanced. This will make you boycot so many things because gambling will give you an opportunity to explore so many areas.
It is true that it is better to be taught how to gamble because if you decide to learn it yourself, you will gain experience there's no doubt but you're going to incur a lot of losses in the process.
Everybody has their own preference but I think one of the fastest way to learn anything is to learn from someone who has gained enough experience about the thing. The person will be on the right perspective to put you on the right track. you are going to make a lot of mistake if you try to do things on your own and it may cost you time and money.
I was taught how to gamble on football betting. But later I realize that it doesn't even need being taught because you will be knowing more information yourself maybe through your activeness in it.
I prefer to be taught by professionals than learning it by myself. It is really not a good thing to learn Casino by yourself because it's going to be a risky and you may lose certain amount of money.
I prefer to be taught by professionals than learning it by myself. It is really not a good thing to learn Casino by yourself because it's going to be a risky and you may lose certain amount of money.
If it is Casino, it is better to be taught by someone that knows how to play it since it requires some skill. But since the topic talks about betting in general, I don't really think we need to be taught how to play some betting
If it is Casino, it is better to be taught by someone that knows how to play it since it requires some skill. But since the topic talks about betting in general, I don't really think we need to be taught how to play some betting
It is true that it is better to be taught by someone because you will learn very quickly and fast too and you will also be boycott necessary mistakes that could be made by you because you are learning from professionals.
It is true that it is better to be taught by someone because you will learn very quickly and fast too and you will also be boycott necessary mistakes that could be made by you because you are learning from professionals.
We only need to becareful to allow the expert and professional bettor to teach us. They may be hard to find. To easily meet with them, one needs to be frequenting the offline casino companies.
I have never been taught betting or gambling by anyone most of the experience i have in betting was taught by myself, i don't really like to rely on anybody to learn i always try to learn on my own
I have never been taught betting or gambling by anyone most of the experience i have in betting was taught by myself, i don't really like to rely on anybody to learn i always try to learn on my own
You can still try being taught by another person, you will be gaining more information from their perspective as well. We only need to make sure we don't choose the wrong person to teach us what we need to know.
Although I prefer to be taught so that I would actually make no huge mistakes in the process of learning ,I actually know of many that have lose a lot from just making mistakes when gambling I think
There are some skill based casino games that you will need to gain experience before you can play them. Some people prefer to receive coaching while some do not want to be coached by anyone, they prefer to learn while they are playing the game all along . This could be a dangerous because you cannot be risking your money because you want to learn. I would prefer to receive teachings from the more experienced gamblers who would put you through accordingly.
I think that learning how to gamble from a more experienced head in the game is more beneficial because this teacher will guide you through many obstacles and hurdles you will face while learning, whereas learning yourself means you will have to navigate these alone, which is not the best prospect
I think that learning how to gamble from a more experienced head in the game is more beneficial because this teacher will guide you through many obstacles and hurdles you will face while learning, whereas learning yourself means you will have to navigate these alone, which is not the best prospect
yeah this is true , because there are some people that needs that guidance in the process of gambling ,they probably needs someone that would be able to guide them through and give them the technique and things to follow up with
I think it works both ways for me. When I'm taught by my cousin I try also to learn it on myself online. Learning myself gives me a better understanding and insight into the games. So if one can taking it both ways is great
I think it works both ways for me. When I'm taught by my cousin I try also to learn it on myself online. Learning myself gives me a better understanding and insight into the games. So if one can taking it both ways is great
exactly although I prefer to learn myself if I don't see anyone to teach me , the only complexities In learning yourself is that there are cases or things that could actually make the person make huge mistakes
yeah this is true , because there are some people that needs that guidance in the process of gambling ,they probably needs someone that would be able to guide them through and give them the technique and things to follow up with
We are not implying that one cannot learn by themselves and be successful in playing casino games. What we are emphasizing is the need for a helping hand in some aspects of the game, so that you can fully understand how the game works