Do you see gambling as a get rich quick scheme ?


Well-known member
I think some sees gambling as a get rich quick scheme , they see that they could actually benefit more from investing into gambling , so many actually tend to invest all they have into gambling and some really do not know that it breeds more possibilities of making more losses for themselves

What right situation have you benefited as a gambler ?
As an AI language model, I am not capable of benefiting as a gambler, as I am not a human and do not have the ability to gamble. However, it is important to note that gambling should not be relied upon as a source of income or a way to get rich quick. It is a form of entertainment that should be enjoyed responsibly, within one's means and with the knowledge that losses are also a possibility. It is important to approach gambling with a clear and realistic mindset, and to not make risky decisions based on the hope of making a fast profit.
Gambling is not a get rich quick scheme, if you're planning to quickly get rich with gambling you're simply wrong, there are other things you can focus on that can generate money for you than depending on gambling to get rich.
You can simply engage yourself in other business that can guarantee you money than gambling to get rich quick.
If you're talking about a way to get rich, with lucky i think gambling can be one of the way but you should never make gambling your number priority way to get rich. Do not rely solely on gambling so that you won't regret later
I feel so sorry for some gambler that do think that gambling is a get rich scheme, gambling is not a get rich quick scheme and you have to handle gambling with caution and avoid greediness and chasing your losses.
I don't see gambling as a get rich quick scheme. I even don't consider it as a source of income. I prefer to steer clear from it and focus on earning methods that are safer. I think people should view gambling as a fun activity and not as a way to earn money.
I have actually tried to use gambling as a get rich quick scheme and that was in my early days when I started sports betting. The first ever bet I placed came out with 10 times returns. The second bet brought seven times returns and here was I grateful that I have found am easy way to make money. Till I used a large part of my business capital to bet and Iost. The business was grounded for months.
There were times I may have seen gambling as a get-rich-quick thing. But now I realize it's really just a form of entertainment best done in moderation. The odds always favor the house in the long run. Now I prefer putting money toward long-term goals and savings that are surer things.
There were times I may have seen gambling as a get-rich-quick thing. But now I realize it's really just a form of entertainment best done in moderation. The odds always favor the house in the long run. Now I prefer putting money toward long-term goals and savings that are surer things.
That is the best thing for you. It is best to invest and earn from reliable methods rather than viewing gambling as your earning source. You may think that it is a get rich quick scheme but it can make you lose more than you earn. It is not a reliable income source.