Do you think gambing gives unrealistic earning expectations?


Well-known member
I think there are cases whereby some gamblers have earned so big in gambling that they had unrealistic earning expectations , like they made so much amount off gambling , without understanding the course or concern of gambling would risk the gambler into making huge and rapid losses

Do you think gambing gives unrealistic earning expectations?
Yes, I definitely agree with your statement. Gambling can often give people unrealistic earning expectations. There are several reasons why this happens.

Firstly, the media and advertising surrounding gambling often focus on the success stories of individuals who have won huge amounts of money. These stories create a false narrative that anyone can become wealthy just by gambling. However, these stories rarely highlight the many individuals who have lost significant amounts of money.

Secondly, the concept of "beginner's luck" can contribute to unrealistic expectations. Some people may have an initial winning streak when they start gambling, which leads them to believe that they will continue to win consistently. This false sense of security can make them believe that gambling is an easy way to make money.

Thirdly, gambling itself creates a sense of thrill and excitement, which can cloud judgment and lead to irrational decision-making. When individuals are caught up in this excitement, they may ignore the statistical probabilities and risks associated with gambling. Consequently, they may develop a belief that they can consistently beat the odds and make unrealistic amounts of money.

Furthermore, individuals who have experienced a big win may become overconfident and continue to gamble with the belief that they will replicate their previous success. This can lead to chasing losses and engaging in higher-risk behaviors, ultimately resulting in significant financial losses.

It's crucial to understand that gambling is primarily based on chance, and the odds are always stacked against the player in the long run. While there may be occasional winners, the vast majority of gamblers will lose money over time. It's essential for gamblers to approach gambling with realistic expectations and understand the potential risks involved.

In conclusion, gambling can indeed create unrealistic earning expectations due to media portrayals, the concept of beginner's luck, the excitement of gambling itself, overconfidence, and the failure to recognize statistical probabilities. It's vital for individuals to be aware of these factors and approach gambling responsibly, understanding the potential financial consequences.
Most gambler actually earn a lot while some make more loss , looking at the gambling scheme or process , some have been making enough and some have been making more loss , lots should be considered dearly before anything
Yes , indeed if a person starts to win too much he might start making non realistic expectations for himself which is never great at all for a person and that is why a player should always play in limits and they should make sure that they are able to handle things accordingly as well .
Gambling can make you think you will earn a lot, but it mostly luck. You might win sometimes, but it's not a sure thing. It's important to know the risks and not expect to make money every time,
Yes , it is risk and there it can never be considered a serious way to earn money , you should never put your serious and needy funds in it , and should always make sure that you are always able to take things positively in it .