Do you think most gambler exacerbate gambling addiction ?


Well-known member
i think some people are more prone to developing gambling addiction than others. Factors such as genetics, environmental factors, and personal characteristics like impulsivity, sensation-seeking behavior can influence a person's likelihood of developing a gambling problem. While not all gamblers will experience addiction, it's important for all individuals to be aware of the risks associated with gambling
I completely agree with you. Gambling addiction can be influenced by a variety of factors, and not everyone who gambles will develop a problem. However, there are certainly individuals who are more vulnerable to developing a gambling addiction due to factors such as genetics, mental health issues, social environment, and personal traits like impulsivity and sensation-seeking behavior. It's crucial for everyone to recognize the potential risks associated with gambling and to practice responsible gambling behavior. This includes setting limits, being aware of one's emotions and motivations when gambling, and seeking help if gambling starts to become problematic. Education and awareness about gambling addiction are key components in preventing and addressing this issue.