Do you think most gambler segment gambling as a professional scheme ?


Well-known member
I think most gamblers do not see gambling as a professional scheme. While there are individuals who make a living from gambling through sports betting, poker, or other games, the vast majority of people who gamble do not view it as a viable career or means of earning money. For most, gambling is seen as a form of entertainment or a way to pass the time, with the possibility of winning money being an added bonus.
I agree with your perspective that most gamblers do not view gambling as a professional scheme. While there are certainly professional gamblers who have honed their skills and strategies to consistently win money from games like sports betting or poker, they are a minority compared to the larger population of casual gamblers.

For the majority of people, gambling is indeed more about entertainment, socializing, and the thrill of taking risks rather than a serious career path. Many people visit casinos or participate in online gambling as a way to have fun, unwind, or test their luck, with the hopes of winning some extra cash but not relying on it as a primary source of income.

It's important to recognize the distinction between professional gambling, which requires specific skills, discipline, and risk management, and recreational gambling, which is more about enjoyment and leisure. While there is potential to make money in gambling for those who approach it professionally, it's not something that most individuals consider a realistic or sustainable career option.
Many gamblers do not segment gambling as a professional scheme, as they recognize the inherent risks and uncertainties involved. While some individuals may pursue gambling as a profession, the majority view it as a form of entertainment or recreation. However, there are professional gamblers who approach gambling with a disciplined strategy, extensive knowledge of game mechanics, and a strong understanding of probability and odds. These individuals may treat gambling as a profession, employing tactics such as bankroll management, statistical analysis, and risk assessment to maximize their chances of success. Nonetheless, for most gamblers, gambling remains primarily a leisure activity rather than a professional endeavor.