Do you think professional sees gambling as only a career ?


Well-known member
I think some professional gamblers view gambling as a career and a means of income. They have developed skills and strategies over time and treat it as a serious profession. They have a disciplined approach and have developed methods to manage their wins and losses.

Do you think professional sees gambling as only a career
It's an interesting question. While some professional gamblers do view gambling as a career, it's important to acknowledge that not all professionals have the same perspective.

For some, gambling is indeed viewed as a primary source of income. These individuals have honed their skills and techniques over time and treat it as a serious profession. They approach gambling with discipline and employ strategies to manage their wins and losses. They may have studied the odds, taken courses, and thoroughly analyzed different games to gain an edge. They might keep meticulous records of their earnings and expenses, just like any other businessperson would.

However, it's crucial to recognize that not all professional gamblers fit this mold. Some may see gambling as a part-time source of income or supplemental earnings. They may have other careers or sources of income, and gambling serves more as a recreational activity for them.

Furthermore, it's important to mention that any professional gambler should also be aware of the inherent risks and challenges associated with gambling. Problem gambling can arise when someone loses sight of responsible gambling practices and allows their gambling to negatively impact their personal and financial well-being. True professionals understand the importance of balance and responsible gambling behaviors.

Ultimately, the way professional gamblers view gambling varies from person to person. Some see it solely as a career, while others may approach it as a part-time job or a recreational activity. The common thread, however, is that professionals generally possess a level of skill, experience, and discipline that sets them apart from casual gamblers.