Does a gambler feel any momentum when gambling?


Well-known member
I think some gamblers may feel a sense of momentum or excitement when they are on a winning streak or have experienced a few wins in a row. This feeling can sometimes lead to overconfidence, which can then result in reckless gambling behavior. Additionally, this momentum feeling can lead to chasing losses and continuing gambling even after a string of losses. It is important to remember that gambling should be done responsibly and within one's means to avoid negative consequences

Does a gambler feel any momentum when gambling?
Yes, many gamblers do feel a sense of momentum when they are gambling. This feeling of momentum can be attributed to both psychological and physiological factors.

Psychologically, winning or experiencing a series of wins can create a positive emotional state, such as excitement or euphoria. This positive emotional state can lead to a perception of momentum and an increased desire to continue gambling. The gambler may start to believe that they have found a winning strategy or that luck is on their side. This feeling of momentum can then result in overconfidence and the belief that they are more likely to win again.

Physiologically, gambling and winning can trigger the release of dopamine in the brain, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. When a gambler wins, dopamine levels increase, reinforcing the pleasurable experience and contributing to the sense of momentum. This can also lead to a desire for more wins and an increased willingness to take risks.

However, it is important to remember that the feeling of momentum in gambling is largely subjective and can vary from person to person. Some gamblers may not experience this sense of momentum or may be more focused on the fun and social aspects of gambling rather than the outcome.

It is crucial for gamblers to be aware of the potential pitfalls of this feeling of momentum. Overconfidence and an exaggerated perception of their chances of winning can lead to reckless gambling behavior and chasing losses. It is important for gamblers to set limits, manage their bankroll responsibly, and practice self-control to ensure that the excitement and momentum of gambling do not result in negative consequences.
yes you are right chasing losses is pretty bad and never pays out actually the house always wins and that is the hard truth everyone needs to learn and listen and need to adapt a positive behaviour actually to be honest, if you play within limits and small session then it is ok only indeed .