Does Casinos need business cards for promotional campaigns?

Do you think that the gaming industry needs a business card for the business . It is crucial for all businesses to have business cards and it is served as a source of advertisement when it is being distributed . Just like how business needs business cards to be distributed to their customers, casinos too needed to make promotional campaigns in order to advertise their brands and I want to ask if it is necessary for casinosto to use the business cards.
Am not sure if that will be a good idea, casino is a gambling company it not a business center for marketers? But it will be a good idea if casino comes up with a way of giving promo to to their members, like free bonus of betting or a promo code to the members in other to play free games with out depositing money at least just for once
Am not sure if that will be a good idea, casino is a gambling company it not a business center for marketers? But it will be a good idea if casino comes up with a way of giving promo to to their members, like free bonus of betting or a promo code to the members in other to play free games with out depositing money at least just for once
In the Western world casinos are not seen the way they are been perceived in Africa. Casinos are seen as a noble profession and there are lot of professionals who offer coaching classes for poker games etc I think a business card will be a good idea for a casino company.