Does gambling consume a significant amount of your time and attention?



If thoughts of gambling consume a significant amount of your time and attention, it could be a sign of a gambling-related issue or a potential gambling addiction. Here are some points to consider:

Obsessive thinking: If thoughts about gambling dominate your mind and become intrusive, it may indicate a problem. You may find yourself constantly thinking about past gambling experiences, planning future gambling sessions, or strategizing ways to obtain more money for gambling.

 Difficulty focusing: When gambling thoughts occupy a large portion of your mental space, it can make it challenging to concentrate on other important areas of your life, such as work, relationships, or personal goals. Your mind may wander to gambling even when you're engaged in other activities.

 Neglecting responsibilities: Excessive preoccupation with gambling can lead to neglecting important responsibilities, such as work, school, family, or financial obligations. You may find it difficult to prioritize and fulfill your duties because your thoughts are consumed by gambling.
 Financial consequences: If gambling consumes a significant amount of your time and attention, it's likely that you're spending a significant amount of money on it as well. This can lead to financial difficulties, such as debt, borrowing money, or struggling to pay bills. It may also result in dishonesty or secrecy about your gambling-related expenses.

 Emotional and psychological impact: The constant thoughts and preoccupation with gambling can take a toll on your emotional well-being. You may experience anxiety, stress, guilt, or shame related to your gambling behaviors. These negative emotions may further fuel your desire to engage in gambling as a way of escaping or numbing these feelings temporarily.

 Relationship strain: Excessive gambling can strain relationships with family, friends, and loved ones. Your preoccupation with gambling may lead to neglecting quality time with them or prioritizing gambling over spending time with them. This can cause feelings of resentment or frustration among those close to you.

 Failed attempts to cut back or quit: If you've tried to reduce or stop gambling in the past but were unsuccessful, it could be a sign of a gambling-related issue. The inability to control or stop your gambling despite negative consequences indicates a loss of control and may require professional help.

If you resonate with these signs, it may be helpful to seek support from a professional counselor, therapist, or a support group specialized in gambling addiction. They can provide you with guidance, strategies, and resources to overcome your gambling-related issues and regain control of your life. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and recovery is possible.
No, I always set limit while gambling, it's not advisable to always stick to gambling always, it's always better to find other things doing like engaging in other activities that can generate income than depending on gambling alone.
Personally, I am not a heavy gambler and I don't spend so much time on gambling everyday. Since I only do sports betting, I only go to the shop, look at the odds place my bet and leave. I think less than an hour is what I use in gambling activities.