Don't start betting with a loan



No matter how excited you might be in sports betting or how accurate and effective your strategy might be, don't ever be convinced or lured into the thinking that you can start gambling with a loan. It is a bad idea.
Gambling is not guaranteed. Don't believed because a strategy has been given you consistent returns, you now believe if you could get a loan and wager big on it, you would be able to become rich overnight. What gives you assurance that your strategy or analysis in the next game would work based on your prediction?
You should be consented with your considerable income you are presently earning with peace of mind and never indulge in debt.
This sounds very weird that one can even think of starting or getting a loan to gamble away I wouldn't have believed this if my cousin didn't do this. He got a loan and gamble all and left self and wife in total debt for years as he lose all the money.
It is not advisable to take loans just for the purpose of betting because it could land you into serious mess which is one of the reasons why it is not advisable to do such thing . People who have done it regretted their actions.
This is a good advice, it's not advisable to start betting with loan, your guarantee of making profit while gambling is very slim that's why collecting loan is never a good option or idea, just bet with the amount you have and stake wisely.
I don't even need anybody to tell me this, I've never think of even playing any bet with borrowed money. It will still be easy for me to bear if i lose my own money to betting than losing money that's not my own to betting
Using loan to bet is not good and it doesn't work for me at all. And even if you see people doing that, it is not the best way to get fund to bet. You can do some work online or offline for some time to gather some amount and use it to bet
This is a very good advice. We don't need to be borrowing money whenever we want to start betting. We should always be starting betting with the money that we can afford only to ensure that we are responsible.
This is true. You should build contentment around what you set aside intentionally for gambling. Don't get too overconfident about your gambling strategy that you take a loan to increase your stake. Chances are that you will lose the gamble and end up in bad debt. This is a sign of problem gambling and you should get help for it.