Due to Tuesday's drawing's lack of a winner, the Mega Millions jackpot has increased to $1.25 billion, and Krispy Kreme is providing complimentary dou

Everyone who missed winning the most recent $1 billion Mega Millions jackpot will receive complimentary doughnuts from Krispy Kreme.

Due to a lack of a winner on Tuesday night, the venerable firm is giving away one original glazed doughnut to individuals who lost out on the $1.1 billion prize.

The delectable alternative is offered on Wednesday during Krispy Kreme's "Mega Glaze Days."

Customers may acquire a doughnut everywhere there is a shop by just displaying their lost lottery ticket from Tuesday.

It follows the astonishing $1.25 billion Mega Millions prize, which is now the sixth-largest payout in US lottery history.