Effect of gambling on the Children.



Children are regarded as the asset to be reckoned with in future development. They are the future leaders. And that why they must be tailored today on how to become productive in future. That is why they are to sent to acquire skills in forms of education and vocation.
But it is a pity, children nowadays have totally led themselves out of this guidance. They wanted to become rich and that's why they are looking for get rich quick scheme like gambling, ritualism, cyber crimes etc.
Some children have dropped out of school and apprenticeship as a result of earning fortunes from gambling. Instead of using the proceeds to finance their career, they are found living lavish lifestyle.
This effect are also similarly to adults, there is a broad range of harms which had associated with children's gambling behaviours, this including mental health problems, issues associated with self-esteem and self-confidence, truancy, a reduction in academic performance, and other risk-taking behaviours.