Essex gambling charity offering support ahead of Grand National horseracing spectacle

According to a charity in Essex, major sporting events can act as triggers for individuals who are recovering from gambling problems or addiction.

With the Grand Nationals taking place this weekend, millions of bettors are anticipated.

As a member of the National Gambling Support Network, Break Evan is supported by Gamble Aware, a nonprofit organization that provides problem gamblers with access to at-home gambling treatment.

The CEO says it's critical to take care of those who are at risk and who gambling has a major negative impact on.
This is good but shouldn't we be more focused on prevention rather than just treatment and support? So much harm is done by the time problem gamblers reach the point they need help. Maybe the charity and groups like them should advocate more strongly for responsible gambling messages to be promoted during these big events, and limits on betting advertising. While treatment is important, it would be better if fewer people developed issues with gambling in the first place.