Gaming Innovation Group elects new board to facilitate big split

In order to move forward with plans for the strategic division of its Media and Platform businesses, the board of Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) has proposed raising two new board entities.

Investors have been presented with the proposal prior to GiG's Annual General Meeting, which is scheduled for May 22, 2024, in Stockholm.

In order to maximize the growth potential for each business entity, investors were notified that the GiG Nomination Committee had examined and assessed the compositions of two distinct boards.

According to the plan, GiG Media will continue to operate under GiG's current corporate framework, with GiG acting as its listed holding company.
These type of things and Movement in any platform are always the need of a current position of a gambling service in the industry and their for this is not uncommon in the industry when the company feels that there should be a sufficient change in the strategy of a company they will always make the desired changes in order to get the actual results