Gaming Innovation Group links up with Titan services

Titan, a provider of SEO and content services, has been fully acquired by Gaming Innovation Group.

GiG's payment of a total of €3.2m ($3.4m) was initially confirmed in the announcement. This amount will be paid in three installments: €1.2 million after two years, €1 million after closing, and another €1 million after 12 months.

Gentoo Media, formerly known as GiG Media, will be able to run its affiliate and content businesses more efficiently thanks to Titan's integration.

The move will also affect cost-saving strategies; for divisions consolidated under Titan, SEO and content costs are predicted to be "significantly reduced," with estimated savings of up to 50%.
This acquisition marks a significant development in the online gambling industry as Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) has acquired Titan, a provider of SEO and content services. The total acquisition cost of €3.2 million ($3.4 million) will be paid in three installments over a specific timeline, which includes €1.2 million after two years, €1 million at closing, and another €1 million after 12 months.

With this acquisition, GiG aims to enhance the efficiency of its affiliate and content businesses under Gentoo Media, formerly known as GiG Media. Titan's integration is expected to streamline operations and lead to improved performance in these areas.

One of the key benefits of this acquisition is the projected cost savings within divisions that will now operate under Titan. By consolidating SEO and content services, GiG anticipates a significant reduction in costs, estimating savings of up to 50%. This strategic move not only enhances GiG's operational efficiency but also positions the company for future growth and competitiveness in the market.