Gaming winnings and machines worth $400,000 stolen in robbery

Authorities are searching for three armed robbers who stole approximately $400K in gaming winnings that were being driven this week in a van in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.

News reports claim that one bandit stole a security guard's firearm and pistol-whipped him in the head. And there got into the van another robber.

It was not immediately clear how badly injured the guard was. There was only one guard who sustained injuries.

The event ended without any shots being fired, and it's unclear what the suspects said to the guards while they were being held captive.
These type of things can definittely happen on every given day the authorities must always be vigilant of such things and the casino companies should always have a backup system where they can actually check each and every person that is passing their casino facilities so that they can avoid such incidents as best as they can indeed