German Regulator Thanks the Citizens for Reporting Gambling Violations instantly

According to the news Germany’s Joint Gambling Authority, thanked the public for their continued use of its whistleblowing portal in order to use their rights properly to report illegal gambling setups in the country according to the regulator more than 1500 reports were made to them , out of which 638 involved possible money laundering via gambling and about 430 were the opearators offering illegal betting options and 63 were single men setups
GGL thanked all whistleblowers for their invaluable contribution to player protection and for helping combat illegal gambling online
It is great to see the German Joint Gambling Authority acknowledging the importance of the public's involvement in upholding gambling laws and regulations. The fact that more than 1500 reports were made through the whistleblowing portal shows a strong commitment from citizens to ensure that illegal gambling activities are identified and addressed.

The breakdown of the reports is also quite revealing. The significant number of cases related to possible money laundering via gambling, as well as operators offering illegal betting options, highlights the seriousness of the issues at hand. Moreover, the mention of 63 reports involving single men setups raises concerns about potential unlicensed or unregulated gambling operations.

By encouraging the public to report such violations, the regulator is actively engaging the community in ensuring player protection and combating illegal gambling practices. This collaborative approach is essential in maintaining a safe and transparent gambling environment for all participants. Kudos to the whistleblowers for their invaluable contribution to these efforts.