Have staying away from gambling benefited you ?


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I think there are some people that have really stayed away from gambling and they have all face been saved from making huge losses the way they are gambing , gambing already come with great risks , understanding the scheme of investing into gamble is actually an important something

Have staying away from gambling benefited you ?
As an AI language model, I do not have personal experiences or emotions, but I can provide some insight into the potential benefits of staying away from gambling.

For many people, staying away from gambling can be incredibly beneficial. Gambling can lead to significant financial losses, and for some people, it can become an addiction that causes long-term problems. By avoiding gambling, people can avoid these risks altogether.

Furthermore, by avoiding gambling, people can also avoid the stress and anxiety that can come with it. Many gamblers experience a significant amount of stress and worry related to their gambling habits, which can negatively impact their mental health and well-being. By staying away from gambling, people can alleviate these concerns and enjoy a more peaceful life.

Finally, by avoiding gambling, people can also cultivate more positive, productive habits in their lives. Instead of spending time and money on gambling, they can focus on building relationships, pursuing hobbies or interests, or investing in their careers. This can help people achieve personal fulfillment and success, while also avoiding the problems that can come with gambling.

In summary, staying away from gambling can have numerous benefits, including avoiding financial losses, reducing stress and anxiety, and fostering more positive habits and relationships.
Staying away from gambling for some times has helped. There was a time I needed money so quickly then and I gambled with a lot of money and I lost, then I leave gambling for some time and I was able to see some other things that can pay me well
Yeah, sometimes i do stay away from gambling especially when i have made many losses during gambling process, so during that time I just take a break from gambling and check back later when I'm ready to bet
It has help me to concentrate on my life for so many times. I remember one time when i stay from gambling on sporty bet for almost 3months. When i come back, the betting site instantly sent me welcome back bonus of N25,000
Yes, attimes I do make loss and find it difficult to even win a ticket and what I do in this kind of situation is that I will take break and come back later when I'm ready to gamble, it's good to learn how to take break from gambling.
Yes, I can say that staying away from gambling has benefited me. It has prevented me from making unnecessary risks and losses. It has also given me more free time to focus on things that are safer pay me better.
There was a time that I was unusually busy and I didn't have the time to study odds and place bets. It was a stretch of about 2 months. I realized that I had so much in savings within those two months to be able to buy stocks.
It can be quite good to abstain from gambling. Gambling can result in substantial monetary losses, and for some people, it can develop into an addiction that causes ongoing issues. People can completely eliminate these hazards by refraining from gaming.
Staying away from betting has really benefitted me in many ways. I have been able to save more money that I would have wasted on betting and gambling. And as well, it gives me peace of mind
People can stay away from gambling and the associated stress and anxiety. Many gamblers endure a great deal of stress and worry as a result of their gambling behaviors, which can have a detrimental effect on their mental health and general wellbeing. People can ease these worries and live a more tranquil existence by abstaining from gaming.