Have the texas holdem poker rules always been the same ?



Poker rules have sure 'nuff evolved over the years. Back in the day, poker was played with just about any deck of cards, any style of hand you could imagine. Folks would play for beans, bullets, or whiskey - whatever passed for currency.

As the game spread from saloons to card halls to casino floors, the rules got standardized. Texas hold 'em with the 53 card deck and the standard poker hand rankings emerged as the most popular style. Even then, minute rules kept creepin' in - like how many times a dealer must shuffle, what qualifies as "action" to continue the hand, whether community cards are dealt face up or face down.

Rules committees tussled over every detail for decades. Now the World Series of Poker has hammered out an "official" rulebook nearly as thick as a city phone book. But a good ol' game of poker'll always come down to the same old things - skill, bluffin', chance, and maybe a bit o' luck! Them's the rules I'll stick to till kingdom come.