have you been discouraged from using an online casino platform because of transaction fee before ?


Well-known member
most casino gaming platform actually charges more amount of money for transaction fee , I believe most times when the transaction fees are too much it could become too much and the person placing the bets might leave to another casino gaming platform , have you leave a casino gaming platform because of huge transaction fees before , I would love to know more too tho
As for me I have not come across any platform like that but if they is any platform that requires huge amount of money to be transferred into their account before you can place a bet I suggest you leave that platform at once
The transaction fee is one of the things that will turn someone off from playing in a casino and it is an established truth because there is absolutely no way you will keep playing on the casino that charged humongous transaction fee.
No, it has not happened before, although some casino website do charge high amount of transactions fees which is a very bad idea but i believe not all of them, there are some casino website that don't even charge penny for transaction fee, every transaction in or out is always free