Have you ever been arrested for destroying items at the bet shop?



There was an ugly incidence sometimes in a while, there was a bettor who usually plays the virtual soccer and he recorded huge losses but he never accepted the lose and he kept destroying things in the bet shop . Be destroyed so many things because he lost huge amount of money but later he was arrested and was made to produce all the things he destroyed. Have You ever Fallen victim of such before?
I have not been arrested for destroying things at the bet shop before but I've seen people destroy things because they lost huge amount of money and they got arrested by the shop owner on several occasions.
I have not been arrested for destroying things at the bet shop before but I've seen people destroy things because they lost huge amount of money and they got arrested by the shop owner on several occasions.
I have not also been arrested but I have seen people get arrested in the betting shop because they destroyed properties simply because they didn't win . It is very important for people to be cautious.
I have never visited a bet shop before but I think anyone who destroys any items at bet shops whill have to pay, but I don't know if the players really pay after though, casinos have more than enough cash to cover all equipment damages.
Wow. That's gonna be the highest form of punishment for me. It has not happened to me, but I was almost caught in the middle of a situation like that. I was saved by a friend. He dragged me out of the scene. The police came around and took people that were around the vicinity for questioning and to find the culprit.
That's one reason why I don't always visit Bet shop outlets.
Since have been into gambling have only been playing in an online ,have never make a thought to go into an outline gambling shop before,beside I don't even see any reason some one can actually get arrested just for destroying anything from the gambling shot ,what if the person did it my mistake?.
I have never visited a bet shop before but I think anyone who destroys any items at bet shops whill have to pay, but I don't know if the players really pay after though, casinos have more than enough cash to cover all equipment damages.
Even I have never visited any gambling shop either but I think if anything have been destroy by any of the casino customer they can always cover it up by them self,when every one fully know that they have enough money to cover up any damage caused by their customer or workers.
No, it had never happened and I don't pray it does happen. Nevertheless, where it happens, I don't think the owner of such betting shop would dare go to the extent of calling police to arrest the perpetrator unless where he intentionally did it. Where it happens by mistake, the owner doesn't want to lose the customers, would resort to sort the issue amicably.
An incident occur in the game house the other time and there's a particular guy who break one of the monitors which people are using to stick games in the game house. one of the agents started fighting him and both of them got wounded so they have to call police man to arrest him later.
No, it has never happened before and it can never happen because i always play a fair game and don't like fight at all, it's always advisable to behave well while gambling, you need to be very disciplined
Although I've seen people ruin stuff because they've lost a significant amount of money and been repeatedly arrested by the shop owner, I have never been detained for doing so at the betting shop. I've observed gamblers performing such behaviors.
The owner of the bet shop would not go to that extent of inviting police to arrest any of his customers that committed damages in his shop unless such damages is intensionally caused or the degree of damages caused is enormous beyond what he can personally undertake. Sport shop is a place where we should maintain decorum. We should conduct ourselves in good manner.
Many of the threads like this are actually funny and it just make me to remember some past scenario but it was not actually me that it happened to. I've seen some that mistakenly destroy some betting equipment that he could not even afford to pay for