Have you ever been chased out of a sport betting shop?



I experience an occurrence sometimes ago when someone lost a huge amount of money to sport betting and he started to cause rancor at the premises. He had staked an amount that he cannot afford to lose and he couldn't control his temper and he started to destroy things. The owner of the shop had to chase him out with the security and he was even arrested by the police for destroying things.
No, it hasn't happened before, i haven't been chased out of a betting shop before because i always behaves Normal, although not every body is well discipline, so it takes some level of discipline to behave well
I experience an occurrence sometimes ago when someone lost a huge amount of money to sport betting and he started to cause rancor at the premises. He had staked an amount that he cannot afford to lose and he couldn't control his temper and he started to destroy things. The owner of the shop had to chase him out with the security and he was even arrested by the police for destroying things.
I have never had this experience at an offline center before, but I can sense that there would be pandemonium and it would be an atmosphere of chaos all round. This is why betting can be dangerous in a physical sense too
It is a beautiful idea that the owner of the shop invited police to arrest the man. This is why we always advise gamblers to stake what they can afford to lose. This is very important and I think every gambler out there should always have it in their head.

I can't even count how many videos I have watched where gamblers destroy the gambling shops because they lost their bet
It is a very despicable act all borne out of frustration at losing a bet. Experienced punters should know that this activity is extremely unpredictable, and things can go from positive to negative in a matter of seconds
This is why we should always have it in mind that it is either will lose the bet or we win the bet. We should always think that we are going to win the bet because things may go the wrong way.
We should have this in mind so that we won't do some funny things at the betting shop
You have a great point. It is imperative that we keep this in consideration when staking a bet. Recognizing this fact will help you go a long way as a punter and enable you not to get worked up on losing
No never in my life have i been chase out of a sport betting shop before. I've never done anything that will warrant being chased out of the betting shop. There are not even so many betting shop again since everything is now turning to online
Sport betting shop is a public place that entertains all sorts of man. They harbor all sorts manners from their customers because they don't want to lose customers.
But in spite of that, that do not mean anybody can just behave unruly in the shop. Respect is reciprocal. You should treat everybody in the shop with respect so that adequate respect will be given to you as well.
I am highly respected by the staff and co bettors in the bet shop that I usually patronize. I would never be seen or found in any unruly behavior. I have never been chased out of a bet shop for any reason before.