Have you ever been emotionally invested in winning back your losses?



I have certainly been in that position before - emotionally invested in winning back the money I lost in the hopes of breaking even.
When the losses start piling up, the logical side of me knows I should call it quits for the day. But there is a stubborn, irrational part of me that believes my luck will turn around if I just keep playing. "One big win will fix everything," I tell myself.
This losing streak won't last forever, the odds will eventually catch up to the house. Although the house ultimately has the advantage, I can't help but feel if I walk away now I am accepting defeat. There is a temptation to throw good money after bad, chasing losses in a misguided belief I will recoup everything and more. How many players have ruined themselves by staying at the tables, refusing to accept the reality that the money is gone? At what point do you finally acknowledge the futility and head home? Do you have a limit, or do you push it until nothing's left? As always, moderation is key. But in the moment, that isn't always apparent.

Have you ever found yourself trapped in the losing cycle, throwing more and more money into the fire in hopes of winning it all back? When is it time to say enough is enough?