Have you ever cheated playing poker?



Cheat at poker? Never in my life. That would be going against everything I stand for as a card player.

Poker is a game of skill, and I developed my skill over decades of experience, study, and hard-fought wins and losses. If I had to cheat to get an edge, what's the point? I might as well give up the game altogether. Where's the challenge? Where's the satisfaction of outplaying my opponents fair and square?

No, I developed principles early on about what's acceptable and not acceptable at the table. Things like only playing with predictable, vetted opponents. Avoiding sketchy games and shady characters. And maintaining my integrity above all else. My reputation is Built on being a solid, trustworthy player. If that ever got questioned due to cheating, I'd have nothing left.

Cheating only benefits cheaters in the end. It's always better to improve your real skills rather than rely on trickery and deceit. So you'll never catch me with a marked deck or hiding an ace up my sleeve. I'll stick to the honest games where great poker is played.