Have you ever felt ashamed of your gambling habits?



It is not uncommon for individuals to feel ashamed or embarrassed about their gambling habits, especially if they perceive their behavior as problematic or if it has negatively affected their lives. If you are experiencing feelings of shame related to your gambling habits, here are some suggestions to help you address and cope with those emotions: Recognize the Emotions: Acknowledge and accept your feelings of shame. It's important to understand that these emotions are natural, and many people have experienced similar feelings in similar situations.
 Seek Support: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or support groups who can provide understanding, empathy, and non-judgmental support. Discussing your concerns and sharing your experiences with others who have faced similar challenges can be helpful.
Consider Counseling: Seeking the help of a professional counselor or therapist can be beneficial in addressing feelings of shame and developing coping strategies. They can also help you better understand the underlying factors that contribute to your gambling behavior and support you in creating a plan to manage your habits.
 Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind and empathetic towards yourself. Avoid self-judgment and negative self-talk. Instead, focus on self-care activities such as exercising, practicing mindfulness or meditation, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment.
 Take Steps to Address Your Gambling Behavior: Set realistic goals and take practical steps to address your gambling habits. This might include developing a budget for gambling, finding alternative activities to replace gambling, or seeking professional help if you have a gambling addiction.
Remember, it's never too late to seek help and address your gambling behavior. Seeking support, practicing self-care, and developing a plan to manage your habits can all be steps towards healing and a healthy future.
There's nothing to be ashamed about it for. Many people rely on gambling and are making it big from it everyday, week or months. I just keep my gambling act from some family members that I know might not like the idea of gambling
I don't feel ashamed of betting. This may because I don't really involve in betting except I have taken my time to sure that I am ready for the consequences. And I am an adult, I don't really own anybody any excuse.
If you are feeling ashamed of your gambling habits, you need to take time and explore the reason for you feeling that way. Chances are that you are losing excessively or are spending too much time on it that you feel guilty. You should then take measures to start gambling responsibly to overcome such feelings of shame and guilt.
I have never felt ashamed of my gambling activities because I'm able to adhere to responsible gambling. I have never go beyond my set limit on finances and time.
No matter what happens, I don't pursue to make up losses when they occur neither do I step up my earnings when there are chances of winning more. I apply self discipline in my gambling activities.