Have you ever felt judged by others because of your gambling habits?



It's important to remember that everyone has their own perspectives and judgments, and it's ultimately up to you to decide how you feel about your gambling habits. If you find that the judgment from others is affecting you negatively, it can be helpful to seek support from trusted friends, family members, or even professional counselors who can provide a non-judgmental space to discuss your feelings and concerns
Additionally, it can be helpful to educate those who may be judging you about the realities of gambling and addiction. Many people may not understand the science behind addiction and may view it as a personal failing or weakness. It can be helpful to explain addiction as a complex disease that requires understanding, support, and treatment.

It's important to also acknowledge the potential risks and negative consequences of gambling, and to take steps to ensure responsible gambling habits. This may include setting limits on the amount of time and money spent gambling, seeking help for addiction if needed, and seeking out resources and support for responsible gambling.

Ultimately, it's important to prioritize your own well-being and make decisions that are in your best interests. The judgment of others should not define your own self-worth or determine your actions. Taking steps to understand and manage your gambling habits can lead to a more positive and fulfilling life.
My gambling foes not actually concern anybody. People that even know that I'm gambling are not plenty. Only few of my friends know that I'm a gambler and nobody in my family know about it. So nobody can judge me
I don't let other judge me. But you are free to say your opinion about me in as much as you are saying them behind me. If others judge me behind me, I don't really bother about that. They can say and unsay as they like.
It is normal to feel judged due to your gambling habit. Especially since many people view gambling negatively. It makes you feel uncomfortable when they talk badly about what you do. You shouldn't feel threatened if you are doing the right thing. But if they are talking out of concern, ensure that you are not falling into problem gambling.
I had never been judged by others as a result of my gambling activity. I had never been gambled irresponsibly and reckless.
I'm able to conduct myself in a manner that is sociable. Responsible gambling adopted by me has stood me above reckless conduct in gambling activity.