Have you ever felt judged or stigmatized?



Feeling judged or stigmatized because of your gambling habits can be challenging and can impact your well-being. It's important to remember that everyone has different perspectives and beliefs, and not everyone may understand or approve of gambling as an activity. However, it's crucial to prioritize your own mental health and well-being over others' opinions.

Here are some strategies to handle judgment or stigma related to gambling:
Self-Acceptance: Accept yourself and your choices. Recognize that gambling is a personal decision, and as long as it is within your means and does not negatively affect your life, it is your choice to engage in it.
 Seek Support: Surround yourself with supportive and understanding individuals who respect your choices. Find friends or family members who can provide a non-judgmental ear and offer encouragement.
 Education: Educate yourself and others about responsible gambling. Seek information about how to set boundaries around your gambling habits and understand the signs of addiction. By educating yourself, you can also help educate others and reduce negative stereotypes and stigma surrounding gambling.

 Advocacy: Speak up about gambling-related stigma and advocate for change. This can include speaking out against negative stereotypes or advocating for more resources and support for those struggling with addiction.

 Therapy: Consider seeking therapy or counseling to work through your feelings of shame or stigma related to gambling. A trained therapist can help you develop coping strategies and build resilience to manage any negative opinions or thoughts about your gambling habits.

Remember, feeling judged or stigmatized can be challenging, but you are not alone. By practicing self-care, seeking support, educating yourself, advocating for change, and seeking therapy, you can build a strong foundation for your mental and emotional well-being.
In all ramifications, it is always a bad habit judging people that are addicted to gambling. They need our help and we need to let them feel the reasons why they should be helped rather stigmatizing against them
Stigmatized?. I had never felt such. My gambling activity has not demoralized me to the extent of being stigmatized by the society. This is why responsible gambling should be adopted. Gamble responsibly and mannerly.
When you are a core gambler living in a society like mine, it is important to be able to prepare your mind and understand that the society as a whole castigate gambling even if you are playing responsibiy. So you should already get mentally prepared for that.
When you are a core gambler living in a society like mine, it is important to be able to prepare your mind and understand that the society as a whole castigate gambling even if you are playing responsibiy. So you should already get mentally prepared for that.
It is almost everywhere. But whoever has a mission and objective won't mind whatever aspersions society might have toward him. After all, the society only appreciates the celebrated one.
It is almost everywhere. But whoever has a mission and objective won't mind whatever aspersions society might have toward him. After all, the society only appreciates the celebrated one.
I don't actually want anyone to celebrate me because of gambling. I just want them to understand that as they have past time that they spend time and resources on, gambling is my past time that I do at my leisure. As long as it is not affecting my financial and social life, I should not be judged.
I don't give a damn about what others do about my behavior or lifestyle once it is not against the law. I have been stigmatized because am a smoker. But i don't feel hurt because i am introvert and don't like human association. I stay alone and hardly interact with people.
I have never felt judged for gambling since I don't do it much. But I know my brother has been judged and stigmatized, I think I judged him too. But I guess we were right to judge him given that he was going overboard with this behavior. All his money would go there and he would even borrow to gamble. My point is that sometimes people's judgements are not always bad. Sometimes they are pointing out something bad that needs to change.
I have not been judge or stigmatized because I have not encountered any issues that may result to this but mostly some of the patients and sick people living around us get stigmatized because of their illness
I never lost any bigger money so I was not stigmatized by people. My sisters warm me about it betting and addiction but they know I just play it from fun and seroius money is not involved in it. Just control yourself and everybody else will respect you.
I agree with you. When you are in control, even people's stigmatization won't stress you much. You will even have the strength and courage to tell them that you know what you are doing, that you are careful. The truth usually hurts when you know you are on the wrong.