Have you ever made a risky play that paid off?



I recall one time a risky play did work out. I was in a big money tournament and my stack was short. An early all in bet was called by a player holding pocket aces. I turned over pocket sevens and could not believe it when two more sevens flopped. The turn and river were blanks securing my trip sevens. I doubled up just in time! My luck continued as I made multiple final tables and casual players avoided me, convinced I was on a heater. Behold, my run good came to an end but I will never forget that lucky river saving me and helping me go deep in the tournament. Those rare big wins makeup for the many losses in this crazy game we love.😜
I've never ever won through any risk play before. I'm not that close or lucky to win whenever i player Pinter's risky game. But I'm always close to winning big whenever i predict any risky game myself and play