Have you ever played drunk?, if so, what was your performance in the game.



Playing drunk is a mighty foolish proposition, if you ask me. When the whiskey starts flowing, players lose all sense of strategy, caution and common sense.
Hands go flying out of their pockets only to land face up on the table. Bets get sized by the half-empty glass, not the pot odds.

As for my own play while under the influence, let’s just say my winnings didn’t cover the bar tab. When sauced, I was prone to going all-in on any pair, hitting every hand, calling any bet hoping to draw to the nuts. The only nut I was drawing to was the one holding my liquor-soaked hide together!

Playing drunk is how players end up losing their shirts, the contents of their wallets, and sometimes even the shoes on their feet. Sobriety is the only winning strategy at the poker table, as far as I’m concerned. When it’s just chips and cards in front of you, you gotta keep your head about you. The only river I want to cross is the one dealing out the next hand!