Have you ever regretted not investing more on a particular casino bet ?


Well-known member
I think there are actually some times or situation whereby the person might actually make big wins and obviously he or she would start regretting that he actually didn't invest more and others on a particular bet , I think this have occurred to some casino users before I think tho

Have you ever regretted not investing more on a particular casino bet ? I would love to know
Normally, when you win huge sums of money with a modest wager, this is one of the first thoughts that crosses your mind, and you begin to question why you did not increase your bankroll. With that being said, it is not all doom and gloom because a profit has been obtained
I think as a gambler you should be learning how to invest ,take precautions and others , because if as a gambler you don't invest without understanding ,the person night just be making more losses and others