Have you ever regretted the time you spent playing poker?



Regret's a worthless emotion. The time I spend at the poker table is the time I've chosen for myself. While some folks might look down their nose at quitting a "real job" to play cards professionally, this is the life I wanted - so I don't regret the path I've walked to get here.

There are always ups and downs at the tables. Some days the cards run cold and I go home with less than I started with. Other days I hit a heater and clean up. It evens out over time though, and as long as I'm winning more than I'm losing, I stay in the game. As long as I have my health and the willingness to take a chance, I'll keep sitting down at that table, betting it all on each hand.

Regret comes from not living the life you wanted. And I've lived this life, on my own terms, how and where I pleased. So I got no reason to regret the time spent amongst cards and players, chasing my piece of that big pot in the sky. The game's been good to me, so I stay.

Have you ever regretted the time you spent playing poker?