Have you ever seen a player's tell that was so obvious it was almost comical?



I remember one player years ago who had the most obvious tell I've ever seen. Every time he had a good hand, without fail he would adjust his baseball cap, tilt it more towards one side of his head. He did it subconsciously every single time. It became comical watching him do this tell while confidently making big bets, unaware that everyone at the table knew exactly what hand he likely held based on the angle of his cap.

It got to the point where other players would tap the table or cough loudly right before he tilted his cap, to try and get him to notice and correct this tell. But he never did, and kept giving away his hands with that obvious cap adjustment. It was hilarious to witness, though also a good lesson that even the most experienced players can have blind spots when it comes to their own tells. Constant awareness and effort is needed to keep our behaviors in check at the table.

Has anything similar stood out to you over the years? Any other comically overt tells you've witnessed from oblivious players? I'd love to hear any stories you have to share.