Have you ever seen a poker dealer refund your money if you have lost so much amount?



All the money that is involved in the poker games is all gone if you lose and I don't think that the poker dealer would give you any chances of playing again with an extra bonus after you have lost your money. This is a clear indication that the poker will never refund your money after you have lost. It is better you play a fresh game with a new money.
No, I haven't seen or hear about that before, it can happen and for this to happen it's based on the kind of people the poker man his, there are many kind hearted people out there that can refund pokers bettors money after losingg so much huge amount of money
No, I haven't seen or hear about that before, it can happen and for this to happen it's based on the kind of people the poker man his, there are many kind hearted people out there that can refund pokers bettors money after losingg so much huge amount of money
I don't think it is really possible for a poker dealer to refund the money that you have played and lost it is a thing that is not possible to achieve and that is the truth, the money that is lost cannot be refunded.