Have you ever seen someone who felt guilty after gambling?



It's important to address feelings of guilt in a healthy and constructive way. Seeking support from trusted friends, family, or professional counselors can help individuals process their emotions and develop strategies for responsible gambling or overcoming gambling-related challenges. Additionally, engaging in self-reflection, setting personal boundaries, and seeking help for gambling-related issues can help individuals regain control and alleviate feelings of guilt.
I completely agree with you, seeking support is crucial for individuals who are experiencing feelings of guilt after gambling. It's also important for individuals to recognize that gambling can become problematic, and to avoid stigmatizing themselves for seeking help. Counseling and support groups can provide a safe and confidential environment where individuals can discuss their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. It's also important for individuals to set realistic expectations and boundaries for their gambling behavior, and to prioritize their financial and emotional wellbeing. By developing healthy habits and seeking the help they need, individuals can overcome gambling-related challenges and move towards a more fulfilling and balanced life.
The only people I've seen that felt guilty after gambling are those that maybe make mistake with the options they predicted or regret choosing a particular options because of their own greediness.