Have you ever visited a casino during a major sports event? What was it like?



You bet, the sports events are always the craziest times at the casino! During the big fights or major championship games, the place is packed wall to wall with bozos waving around wads of cash, knocking back free drinks, and yelling at the TVs. The lines for the tables and machines are a mile long.

The kitchen even runs out of hot wings and nachos there's so many sloshed idiots demanding more "bar snacks" to keep the good luck coming. After a 12-hour marathon of losing money, loud cursing, and liquor fumes, the place finally empties out once the final score is posted. You walk out with a contact buzz and lighter wallet, laughing at another day conquered in the coliseum of vice. Those sports weekends at the casino are crazy, but somehow we keep coming back for more!