How are side pots managed in multi-way hands?


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Side pots in multi-way poker hands are managed by separating bets when a player is all-in for less than others can wager. The main pot contains bets matched by all players, while additional side pots are created for remaining bets among players still with chips. Only those who contributed to a side pot can win from it, and they are awarded in order from the main pot to the highest side pot.
In a multi-way poker hand where at least one player is all-in, side pots are created to ensure that players who still have chips can continue betting among themselves. The main pot contains all bets that every player in the hand could match, regardless of the all-in player's smaller wager. Any additional betting among the other players creates separate side pots.

Once players have contributed to a side pot, only those involved in that particular pot can win it. When there are multiple side pots, they are awarded in order from the main pot to the highest side pot. This means that players who have been all-in but still have chips in later pots can win those pots if they have the best hands.

Managing side pots effectively in multi-way hands can be quite complex, but it adds an interesting strategic element to the game. It requires careful attention to the various pots and the actions of each player to ensure that the correct payouts are made at the end of the hand.